Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mikey Queer

I don't get a chance to "break" news here at Danthology too frequently, what with that Todd "Ear to the Ground" Purse over at http://www.madisonundergroundpress.com/, but here is the hot stuff: It looks like West Chester's own Mike Bardzik of Super Hi-5 and the Boils fame, as well as engineering/producing most of Wilmington/W.C.'s punk bands, will be the Queers new tour drummer on their upcoming sojourn (with the Poison Arrows)! Toddy "hooked up" the two and the deal is done. Check out http://www.thequeersrock.com/tourdates.html to pick the best dates for you to attend. We'll be there in Wilkes-Barre at the Metropolis Cafe on March 11th, and maybe in Brooklyn too.