Sunday, November 23, 2008

Minutemen Scans

You guys know right? The downloadable torrent site from which you can get about 80% of all you've ever wanted? It's one of many, but it's the one from which I've reliably enjoyed FREE permanent access to music that stupid costing-money itunes doesn't even know exists. You can get David Johanson's non-Buster Poindexter solo records, and everything else. But you all know that.

What I've been getting down with for a little bit now are Minutemen Scans. Every week the "Minutemen" scan every new comic, sans ads, and seed the torrent. You can also get complete series of books and important runs and creative team comps, etc... Now, you may easily note the probable moral crisis: is "stealing" from Marvel/DC and their creators unacceptable? I'll get all the music I can get my hands on without a qualm, but this made me hesitate... for like a second. See, comics are my favorite art form, uniquely American and, when done well, are the optimum storytelling medium. So I got respect, see. BUT- I am a comic book addict. I have fifteen long boxes. I used to work at the Comic Book Shop on Marsh Road in North Wilmington and got tremendous deals on all new and back-issue books, so I amassed quite a collection. Now, I haven't bought a book in over a year, not due to lost interest, I just can't afford it! I am an actual factual Billy Dogma. If I do not download, I do not read, simple as that. Employing "Situational Morality" actually doesn't mean you have no character, it means you have the character to know that situations are different and warrant different reactions, if you want to do the right thing. So, the world is better off with me being up to date with what my contemporaries like Spider-Man and Buffy are doing on their end. I'll let you know what that is...